Peggs Beach Camping

Listing Details

Peggs Beach Conservation Area has two designated camping areas; the first is Black River campground which has pit toilets, no drinking water and the second is Peggs Beach campground that has flushing toilets but still no drinking water. Rocky Cape area. Peggs Beach Conservation Area Tasmania Australia, please note this camping location is reasonably small and is very popular over the Christmas New Year period. Peggs Beach offers excellent secluded camping areas with basic facilities. The area has excellent safe swimming beaches. This is a conservation area, national park entry fees do not apply. Peggs Beach campground has flushing toilets, but no drinking water. Although the Peggs Beach campground is quite close to the busy highway, it is right next to a lovely wide beach with boat-launching places nearby and is very quiet. Peggs Beach has sites sheltered among coastal vegetation and a separate, more open area that has limited facilities. There is tank water available, however, it should be boiled for at least 5 minutes prior to drinking. To access Peggs Beach, turn off the Bass Hwy app. 11 km east of the Stanley turn-off, or 14 km west of the Rocky Cape turn-off. This campground is part of the beautiful Peggs Beach Conservation Area, so you must bring firewood and a firepot - campfires are not allowed. Tank water is available but should be boiled or treated before drinking. There are a large number of good camping spots; secluded or open including sites that can accommodate big rigs. Turn at the sign off the Bass Hwy, 11 km east of the Stanley turn-off, and head along a dirt track for 700 m. The cost for school groups is $2.50 per night, $10 for 7 nights. See also: Camping Black River, Camping Marrawah, Camping Rocky Cape, Camping Montagu, Camping Sisters Beach, Camping Boat Harbour

Campground Details

Campground Name
Peggs Beach
Camping Styles
Tent, Campervan, Motorhome, Caravan, Camper Trailer, Roof Top Tent


Fishing - Saltwater, Boating, Boat ramp


Peggs Beach, Cowrie Point, Circular Head, Tasmania, Australia


Contact Information

Peggs Beach, Cowrie Point, Circular Head, Tasmania, Australia
Post Code




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