Weather Tasmania

Weather Tasmania

It is fair to say that the weather in Tasmania can differ majorly from other Australian states and territories weather conditions. Tasmania has a temperate maritime climate meaning that generally Tasmania doesn’t experience the extremes of temperature other parts of Australia does, though it does of course experience both very hot and very cold weather. On mainland Australia weather is generally more arid and, particularly in some states, less seasonally defined than weather in Tasmania where four distinct seasons are enjoyed. Visitors from northern and Western Australia would generally find the winter in Tasmania very cold, however it is a beautiful time of year, with crisp clean air, and low rainfall in many locations. White frosts, following by still, cloudless days are common in Tasmania during Winter. When camping in more remote parts of Tasmania, it is not uncommon to wake to light, or even heavy, snowfalls and iced over ponds and streams. Always be prepared when camping in Tasmania – irrespective of what time of the year it is. Weather conditions can change quickly. Tasmania enjoys four distinct seasons. The warmest months are obviously in Summer – December, January, February and March. Autumn, or Fall as it is referred to in the Northern Hemisphere, has many sunny days and the landscape produces a mass of colour as very tress including oaks, elms, birches and Tasmania’s own native beech, turn from gold to red in anticipation of winter. Winter extends from May through August where very cool weather can be experienced, particularly inland. Spring spans September, October and November, and brings to life the full beauty of Tasmanian wildflowers. Rainfall varies significantly across the regions of Tasmania. Because Tasmania’s west coast rainforest is so renowned, visitors are often surprised to learn that Hobart, with an average of 626 millimetres per annum is Australia’s second-driest capital city after Adelaide. An annual average of 2,400 mm is experienced on the west coast of Tasmania ensuring the rainforests thrive.

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